“ The thing to do, it seems to me, is to prepare yourself so you can be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.”
— Maya Angelou
Our Story
An unprecedented time and an act of kindness…
This is how Britt & Co. Bagels began:
The entire world was thrust into uncertainty, panic and fear as the world was ordered to shelter in place. For Britt a wife, mother of 2 and small business owner, she was suddenly faced with having to close her business and the uncertainty of financial stability and the future. She and like much of the world, tried to look to and focus on the positives and hope for the best.
As the spread of COVID continued to worsen and overrun New York, further extending the closure and uncertainty of the future of her business, Brittany turned to her creative outlet and lifelong passion of baking and cooking. She dusted off a coveted recipe and menu of Small Batch Specialty Bagels she spent 2 years creating and perfecting after working at her very first job at a Bagel Shop. Armed with time and the desire to do something she had the power to control, she wanted to do something good. So she set out to make special care packages with handwritten notes of thanks and encouragement for loved ones, family and friends at the heart of the pandemic working the Front Lines.
Unexpectedly with each delivery a buzz began to circulate about “The Best Bagels Ever” and calls from hospital staff members themselves, their family and friends and friends of friends began to flood in. Everyone was talking about and trying to order “The Best Bagels Ever” and her Frontline Support Initiative continued to gain support and attention. Within 2 months Britt & her family had delivered orders to over 50 hospitals, first responder and essential worker facilities across Westchester County, the Bronx and Parts of Connecticut. Raising enough proceeds in the process to purchase and deliver over 2,000 N95 Masks to the Respiratory Therapists and COVID Floors of Phelps Hospital.
By the end of that month, Britt had single handedly handmade over 8,000 bagels and personally penned over 480 handwritten notes. There was no sign of demand slowing down as her reputation continued to grow and everyone wanted to know how they could have and order a Britt & Co. Bagel. So with her small business still under the order to remain closed, they expanded their operation and began taking on personal orders that at one point generated an over 6 week waiting list. It was a non- stop endeavor with her commitment to Front Line workers at the helm.
In a matter of 3 months Britt & Co. went from a good deed to being featured in a Westchester & CT Bites editorial and doing Pop-up events with Lines of patrons multiple blocks long. Before Britt knew it, somehow in the midst of a pandemic hers and her family’s humble gesture evolved into her lifelong passion and dream not only becoming a reality, but thriving.
The Maya Angelou Quote at the header is one of Britt’s favorites and one she lives by that can be felt and seen in everything she does. As much as our story is one of success we hope it more importantly serves to remind and encourage us all that no matter the circumstance, even at our lowest of lows we can always be a little ray of sunshine to light a rainbow in someones cloud. And in doing so, like Britt, one day you may find that all the little clouds you lit along your way will shine back and have become a rainbow of your very own far greater than your clouds.
To the Hero’s and community whose love, support and patronage brought Britt & Co. to life, I am forever humbled and eternally grateful. Its has been and will always continue to be an honor and a privilege to serve you.
We will forever be ‘In This Together’